about me


I was born in Bogota, Colombia. The short version of that story is: I arrived in the US when I was 12 years old with my sister and my parents, who made the difficult decision to move to build a better life for us and give my sister and I the chance to envision and create the life we wanted. As a young immigrant in the U.S, I grew up in a world of limitations, obstacles, and really big dreams. At a young age, achievement meant survival and financial safety. I grew up with the concept that achievement equals SAFETY.  As an immigrant, getting an engineering job meant I could stay in the country where I grew up, so I graduated from the nation’s top 10 engineering programs & got the consultant salary that I dreamed of. (I will tell you the long version when we chat, if you’d like!)


The glamorous weekly travel, the company credit card, the start-up culture. It was all I wanted; I was no longer in survival mode. After a few years of consulting, I was “achieving” and climbing up the ladder of what I perceived as a success. At the same time though, I was experiencing hormonal imbalances, obesity, overdrinking patterns, and complete energy depletion. Once I noticed all this, I began to devote myself to daily mindful breathing & yoga in order to stay afloat. What started as a tool to maintain my fast-paced life as a consultant, became a vehicle to connect deeply with myself and to listen to my soul-centered desires. I relied on my achiever mindset to show up daily to this powerful practice, and as I continued to nurture my soul, my life began to make massive shifts. After much self-reflection, I reached a point of no return and woke up to the reality that my life is for me. I get to choose, I get to make aligned and feel-good choices for me - and this brings me closer to my Soul. No amount of success or abundance will satiate the feeling of wholeness that comes with a deeper connection to my soul, to Source.


Throughout my life, I felt like I had to choose between my engineer/scientist and my spiritual/yogi self. I always felt a deep connection to both sides, but I struggled to merge what felt like opposing sides of my soul. I walked through life switching hats and felt the engineer and the yogi in me arguing about who’s turn it was to lead the way. Then, when I came into full acceptance of my whole self, I came to the realization that my soul mission is to be both; to bridge the gap between all the complex parts that make a human a being, and to bring people closer to their wholeness in an approachable, relatable, and achievable way. I now see how my consulting career had been training me to become a masterful coach.
And so the student became the teacher - I believe my ever-changing, ever-growing, ever-evolving practice is a truly effective tool for rewiring outdated mindsets, creating a safe space for emotional exploration, and creating safety in the body.


It’s so simple yet effective that I’ll tell you right away what it is: The breath. 

The most inexpensive, accessible, and universally available to any human being regardless of their circumstances. The most subtle yet powerful tool. I believe the breath is the portal to our soul and, from a more scientific approach, it’s what biologically controls every single autonomous function in the body. Awareness of the breath allows us to shift our physiological, emotional, and spiritual state at any moment. Ancient cultures have known this since the beginning of times, and we are just now uncovering the science behind it. It is quite an exciting time, science and spirituality are coming together! Finally, the engineer and the yogi can shake hands and walk the path together, side by side. :)


I am a certified Mastery Method coach (ICF accredited) and a Level 1 Breath-Body-Mind teacher.